We unfortunately won't have a new issue of A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY to release there, but there will be copies of the first issue available. Issue #2 was nearly ready, but we had to postpone the coloring process to focus on LEFT HOOK. Next year, we plan to get lots of work done on the project and have a couple issues out. We're used to multi-tasking, but a few other things had to take priority. We're totally committed to finishing it though. Won't leave you hangin'!
Well folks, that's where I'll leave you. There are plenty of cool things brewing behind the scenes here and we can't wait to share them with you as always! With that, feel free to play spot the Tyler in the photo below! Catch ya next time! -Tyler
It's been a little over a month so it's about time I write an update! Lots of things have happened, so hopefully I remember everything.
A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY: We released the first issue of our comic book series, A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY. It's been doing pretty well so far. We launched it at Air Capital Comic Con earlier this month and nearly sold out. It was a great time for sure! We are making plans for further hard copy releases, but currently the issue is available digitally through Amazon and VHX. You can find the links and a few preview pages HERE. The series is meant to be a quarterly release so there will be a few month in between each issue. The full script is written, so Beth works on pages during down time from LEFT HOOK. Can't wait for you guys to see the rest of this thing, we're all very proud of it. PODCAST NEWS: So this month has been our yearly hiatus, meaning no new episodes for now. However, we will be returning next month with Season 5. We have some cool things planned for this season and something I'm excited to say is that we have a new announcer for the intro and outro; fellow Wichita filmmaker, Lief Jonker. This dude is a local legend and we're so happy to have him on board. More than likely, we will be returning next week with Creed II. Hope you'll tune in! HOLIDAY BUNDLE: Lastly, until January 1st, we have a special deal happening on VHX. We have created a bundle with LIVING AFTER MIDNIGHT, BRIMSTONE TERRACE, ANOTHER DAY COLDER, HOW MUCH and FALLING OUT (plus all of their bonus features) for $5. That's 8 hours of content. Along with scripts and an art book. If you ask me, it's a pretty great deal and it's also a great way to support us. All funds from this and our comic go towards funding LEFT HOOK. So check out the deal HERE. That's all I've got for now. See ya next time! -Tyler
We've got a few things to talk about today, so I'll just jump right into it.
In some ways, it feels like it's been more than a month and in other ways, it's flown by really fast.
NEW SHORT FILMS: That's right. There is an "s" on the end of that. This month has been insanely busy because while handling a slower process on LEFT HOOK, we were able to work a lot more on our two upcoming short films for this year. One is the already announced, HOW MUCH. The other is a new live action short film called FALLING OUT. We haven't talked much about it because to be honest, it was a very quick turn around. We wrote the script in April and suddenly had the whole thing planned out in time to shoot it last week. It's been pretty exciting and feels like a major step forward when it comes to the quality of our live action work. All of that being said, HOW MUCH is completely finished. We're waiting to release it online because we want to do something special for the cast and crew. We'll be finding out very soon what that will be and when it will happen. Truth be told, it could be a couple months. FALLING OUT is a similar situation. It isn't quite finished yet, but it is getting there. We just finished color grading the footage tonight and I will begin the editing process tomorrow. As for right now, I don't really know when you will be seeing either of these short films. But we will be quick to let you know once we do. They will be coming out this year regardless. ANOTHER SCREENING FOR ANOTHER DAY COLDER: Recently on Facebook, we announced that ANOTHER DAY COLDER was selected to screen at Doc Sunback this June. We're very excited to attend. It has yet to be announced which day our film will be playing. But once again, we'll announce that when we do know. PODCAST: We released one new episode this month. That being Deadpool 2. The quality is a little bad on this one. It was David Young and I. He was recording from Arizona and unfortunately, what you hear in the episode is the best I could do to fix it. Trust me, it's a lot better now than it was before. The episode is fairly short though. So it shouldn't be too hard to sit through. I believe the next episode is coming in a couple weeks. Everything will be back to normal for that one. Anyway, that's all I have to report right now. Have a good Memorial Day and we'll let you know what's happening when something happens! -Tyler |
September 2024