On Twitter we announced we would be launching the trailer for "LIVING AFTER MIDNIGHT" on the 19th. But since we won't be recording our podcast on Deadpool until next week, we had a spot open to post something and decided to release this early. We're very excited to finally make this available. This might of course bring up the question of, "When and where is this coming out?". The answer is still that we don't know. This is the annoying stage of making a movie. You have to worry about how people are going to see it. Not just the pre-established audience, but new people as well. Another concern is trying to make our money back. Obviously, no different than any other project, I did this because I wanted to. Not for monetary gain. But the possibility of making back our investment would be great. These are all factors that play into it, along with many others. We're still waiting to see how a few things pan out. I think that next month we will be able to start moving forward with a more concrete plan. The goal being to get it out in one way or another by late spring or early summer. It all depends what method we choose to pursue. We've also launched a website for the film: http://www.livingaftermidnightmovie.com/ For fans of the podcast, we released a few new episodes this month. One over director, Brad Bird's filmography and the other about the new Coen Brothers' movie "Hail, Caesar!". Like I said before, we will be doing Deadpool next week. I've already seen it. I'm just waiting on the other(s). Wait! How did I just word that!? Anyway, lots of great stuff coming up soon. Stay turned!
-Tyler W. Moore
January 2025