Well everyone, if I've learned one thing throughout my over eight years of filmmaking, it's that when things get bad, there's a very good chance they will only get even worse.
Now what am I trying to say here? Well, as of Friday, I was feeling pretty good. Pretty much all I had to do was export the last two scenes of Episode 6 and I would be finished with editing. Unfortunately I've been having a bit of computer trouble and I wasn't able to export them. So after exploring several options, Chris and I determined that my computer needed to be reformatted (which it did). So I went out and bought an external hard drive. For those of you who may not know, reformatting your computer basically wipes it clean and restores it to the original state that you bought it in. It's like new. So I put all of my files on the external drive and we went through with the reformatting. The computer works great. But the problem lies in the very strange fact that random files seemed to not transfer over properly to the external drive. And what else wouldn't have shown up but the project files for the last two scenes. Two scenes that are incredibly complicated and took me weeks to complete. As you can probably guess, if they are gone, they are gone. There is no way to retrieve them. So what's going to happen now? I have a few options that I'm going to explore to maybe get this thing done. I have until the 5th of January. If there isn't an easy way to fix this or I can't finish it by then, consider the project dead. I've dealt with too much over the past 7 months to let this flop over and die. But I also can't allow myself to waste anymore time and money on a project that I know no one really cares about. Honestly, everyone can live the rest of their lives without knowing how Brimstone Terrace ends. If anything, I'm doing this for myself. There will be an update when there is something to say. Until then, I'll be locking myself in a room until I figure this out. -Tyler W. Moore
January 2025