Hey everyone! It’s been a little while since the last update. We’ve been extremely busy with multiple projects. Unfortunately, it’s a bunch of stuff that won’t be seen for a long time. I, myself, have been juggling a lot of projects plus trying to get some other stuff sorted. But you didn’t come here to be teased! You want answers! “What can you guys talk about,” you scream. Well, first of all there is a new episode of the podcast out. In this episode, we chat about the remake of “The Magnificent Seven”. As I probably mention in the episode itself, this one of the last two episodes for “season 2” of the podcast. Usually around this area of time is when we take a small hiatus. This year we opted to take more of a soft break. After our next small episode, we’ll be back in full swing (I think). Another thing we’ve been working on is making another big website update. It will essentially be version 3.0 and it will be the biggest change yet. Not THAT big though.
Hey guys!
I have a lot of things to cover. So let’s get right to it. PODCAST NEWS: Several new podcast episodes have gone up since the last time we updated the blog. You can find them all HERE. We’ve come to realize that the podcast isn’t exactly popular on YouTube. For understandable reasons too. YouTube isn’t really the place for that sort of thing. But regardless, we don’t intend to stop making them. Chris and I thoroughly enjoy doing them and have plans for many, many episodes in the future. But to prevent from flooding our subscriber’s home pages with videos they don’t want to watch and cluttering up our channel, we’re working on providing a new home for the show. Mainly, iTunes. It’s just a matter of finding an easy and affordable way to do it. Hell, if you know a way, e-mail Chris about it. Podcasts may be our main source of content for the next several months due to reasons I’ll explain in a bit. So if you like them, you’re in for a treat. If you haven’t listened to them, you should try one of the more recent ones. If you hate them, then why are you reading this part? NEW PROJECTS: We have a couple things going on this year that we are very excited about. Jamie may be putting a couple projects together this year and we can’t wait to see them happen! The other thing is a very big project that I am helming. We can’t really talk about any of this stuff just yet. But this is where pretty much all of our time is going right now. We’re very excited about it and can’t wait to tell everyone about it. WILL THERE BE MORE BRIMSTONE TERRACE?: So it’s been a little over a month since the last episode of Brimstone Terrace went up and I still get the question, “Will there be more Brimstone Terrace in the future,” from time to time. I suppose I haven’t been totally clear about it. So let me take this opportunity to give you an answer and explain myself. The short answer is no. The long answer is NOOOOOOOO. There’s a variety of reasons why. The show went into serious development a little over two years ago now. It’s been a long and very difficult journey working on the series. Each and every person who worked on it gave a lot of effort and I cannot thank them enough. Seriously, I’m so thankful for those people. When I was developing the show, I had a plan for three seasons (each consisting of 6 episodes). Up until Episode 5 of this season, the plan remained the same. We were preparing to start pre-production on Season 2 as soon as Episode 6 was finished. So what changed our minds? Honestly, when we had our brief cancellation back in May, it got me thinking about a future without Brimstone. After getting things up and running again, it made me really consider if I wanted to spend another year (possibly two) and drop a bunch of money on another season of a show that no one is watching and the answer was no. I would rather spend my time and money working on something that is going to move my career forward, something new. This isn’t to say that I never want to revisit Brimstone EVER. I still have two seasons worth of material and if some other animation studio were to approach me wanting to work on it and someone else was willing to foot the bill, I’d totally be willing to write and produce them. But the fact of the matter is, that probably isn’t going to happen. I just want to thank everyone who checked out the series once again. You guys are awesome and I hope you all enjoyed it. I’m sure there is a lot of people out there who are sick of hearing about Brimstone at this point and I totally get that. There may be a few little things here and there about it. But overall, we’re done with it. Stay tuned everyone! We have some cool stuff coming up! -Tyler W. Moore We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass! The sixth and final episode of Brimstone Terrace is now online!
I can feel the weight sprouting wings and flying off of my shoulders. It's been a long 7 months working on that last episode and an even longer 2 years working on the series as a whole. I think I can say that I'm proud of it as a whole, but some time away from it will definitely improve my feelings about it. It has truly been an exhausting but educational experience for me. I already can't wait to get the ball rolling on my next project and apply everything I've learned to it. Regardless of the extreme delays, I sincerely hope you enjoy it. You can see the episode HERE! So what do we have on our plate now? Well, the next thing we have coming up (very soon I might add) is the online release of our short film we made for the 48 Hour Film Project back in July. We finally got around to digging it out and touching it up for a proper release and I think it is complete. So next Friday, expect to see "Wish You Were Here". Surely we have more than that, right? Well, yeah. But I feel like it's best if we get back to you about that some other time. We have a feeling this is going to be a great year. We hope it's good for you as well. -Tyler W. Moore Well everyone, if I've learned one thing throughout my over eight years of filmmaking, it's that when things get bad, there's a very good chance they will only get even worse.
Now what am I trying to say here? Well, as of Friday, I was feeling pretty good. Pretty much all I had to do was export the last two scenes of Episode 6 and I would be finished with editing. Unfortunately I've been having a bit of computer trouble and I wasn't able to export them. So after exploring several options, Chris and I determined that my computer needed to be reformatted (which it did). So I went out and bought an external hard drive. For those of you who may not know, reformatting your computer basically wipes it clean and restores it to the original state that you bought it in. It's like new. So I put all of my files on the external drive and we went through with the reformatting. The computer works great. But the problem lies in the very strange fact that random files seemed to not transfer over properly to the external drive. And what else wouldn't have shown up but the project files for the last two scenes. Two scenes that are incredibly complicated and took me weeks to complete. As you can probably guess, if they are gone, they are gone. There is no way to retrieve them. So what's going to happen now? I have a few options that I'm going to explore to maybe get this thing done. I have until the 5th of January. If there isn't an easy way to fix this or I can't finish it by then, consider the project dead. I've dealt with too much over the past 7 months to let this flop over and die. But I also can't allow myself to waste anymore time and money on a project that I know no one really cares about. Honestly, everyone can live the rest of their lives without knowing how Brimstone Terrace ends. If anything, I'm doing this for myself. There will be an update when there is something to say. Until then, I'll be locking myself in a room until I figure this out. -Tyler W. Moore Hey everyone! Sorry about the extended absence from the blog. But honestly, there hasn't been much to report for a while. There is now though!
PODCAST: Chris and I have had a little trouble trying to find time to properly record podcasts. But recently, we were able to record three new episodes. One of which came out tonight and can be found HERE. It was sort of an impromptu conversation about superhero films. We were talking after a pre-production meeting for a new project and found ourselves in the middle of a discussion that we should have been recording. So we did just that! The audio is a little bad because we opted for a Skype recorder in place of our usual method of recording our own audio. But I think it's usable. Next week and the week after, we will be airing the other two new episodes. These are both part of a two-part Tarantino conversation as we promised before. Not sure what the plan is beyond that yet. But we'll let you know soon. BRIMSTONE TERRACE: Oh boy. I promise I won't give anymore "release dates". We are still waiting for the other animator to finish with her shots. Luckily, that will be soon. The only thing she has to do now is color the shots, which doesn't generally take too long. However, because of the unexpected extended wait, we've had to pay more than we expected for editing software to the point where I can no longer afford to pay for it (for the time being). Unless the wind blows 30 dollars by my feet, I don't know how I'm going to finish this. I'm not giving up by any means. We've invested a lot of time into this and we're about 80% done. I just need to find a way to finish this thing and I don't know how I will yet. Sorry everyone. Other than that, I don't know if theres much to say right now. We have things going on behind the scenes that we can't talk about yet. The plan is to make an update video with all sorts of announcements once Brimstone is finished (whenever that is). Until then, stay tuned for more podcasts! -Tyler W. Moore I still get this question once every few days. It has been awhile since there was any official update on it. But that’s just because not much has changed. The truth is, we’ve had so little to do with the episode right now, that I opted to add another scene to fix a couple missing details that bothered me. Don’t worry, that didn’t extend the wait or anything. We did it because we have nothing but time.
As I’ve said in the past, a very big scene is being handled by an additional animator. Without fail, every time I bring that up someone says, “Tell them to hurry up” or “fire them”. I can’t begin express how annoying that is. A little dose of reality is that when you’re working with an extremely small budget, you take what you can get. She is working as fast as she can and doing a wonderful job with the insane workload I dumped on her. I believe I’ve said that the episode would come out sometime this month. That was just a rough estimate. According to the other animator, she says she might be done with her sequences early next month. After that, Chris and I will be able to finish editing. I’d like to say that it may be done by the end of November. But that might take a lot of finger crossing. In short, we’re just as ready for this to come out as you are. Just bear with us. -Tyler W. Moore Hey all, I know this isn't episode 6 of Brimstone, but we do have something for you to see. It's a short film directed by yours truly for Project Greenlight. While it didn't get past the first stage, it was still very fun to make. Go and check it out HERE.
Don't worry though, we're hard at work with Brimstone and hope to have it to you as soon as possible, just give us a bit more time. It's absolutely the best episode we've done so far and a fitting end to the season. Hope you enjoy! -Christopher Strong So most of you probably already know this. But last Friday, I made a quick update video regarding upcoming releases. It included a clip from Episode 6. If you've been following the blog, the only thing new in it is the clip. So here it is. More updates soon! -Tyler W. Moore The fifth episode of Brimstone Terrace is now on YouTube (check it out here)! Which mean, we're all caught up! For those who are new to the show, I hope you've been enjoying it thus far. For those who have been following the show for a while now, I hope the extended wait hasn't been too bad.
Contrary to the original, as I may have mentioned in the past, the sixth and final episode will not be airing next week. I really shot myself in the foot with the scale of this one. It should probably take a few weeks to get this one all finished. Sorry about the wait. I'm not going to pull any punches with this one. I want it to be our highest quality episode. Just rest assured that I'm working pretty much around the clock working on this thing. In the meantime, we do plan to make some other releases so that things don't slow down too much (none of which will distract from working on Brimstone). Chris made a small 1 minute live action short that he will eventually be posting to the YouTube channel. We also have plans to start doing movie podcasts (in addition to the Pink Elephant Podcast). Don't know when we'll get around to it. But it will be Chris and I (maybe others in the future) discussing a collection of movies or a movie that has been recently released. Like I said, I don't know when any of this is coming out, but its all in the pipeline. Stay tuned for more updates to come in the near future! -Tyler W. Moore Hey guys! Episode 4 is up on YouTube! You can watch it HERE!
For those of you who are experiencing the series for the fist time on this run, if you weren't aware, we made a behind the scenes documentary while we were in production of this episode. It contains interviews with myself, Chris, Tori (voice of Alan) and Lacie (voice of Hanna). I go pretty in-depth about the development and production of the show. If you're interested, check it out HERE. Other than that, I've got nothing to report. See ya next week! -Tyler W. Moore |
January 2025