Sorry for the sparse updates. As you can imagine, we've been very busy. The goal of this post is to get everyone up to speed on everything we've done recently and what is to come with all of our projects.
LEFT HOOK I'm not sure where all I have said this. The backers have known for a little while now. But, the movie is finished. We have made a few submissions and we will hopefully know when screenings will be happening in the next few months. We're very excited for people to start seeing this thing. As you know, we've put a lot of time into it. We have a plan for over-all release of the movie, however, things could always change so I will keep my lips zipped. There will be plenty of updates on this project on the future. No need to worry about that. WISH YOU WERE HERE In November, we re-shot a few scenes and got some additional footage. Consider this project in post-production now. We're not currently in a rush to edit it, but will probably do so this spring. We've been attacking this one a little bit at a time. For those brief moments, it is going by pretty fast. I don't want to make any assumptions for this one because it could go any which way, but I'm confident in our ability to knock this one out pretty fast once we get around to it. HEY MAN Right after our re-shoots, David Young put together another little project. This one is a short film made specifically for IGTV. We shot it on an iPhone with the intention for it to be watched on a phone. It was a fun experiment. This is the first chance I've had to talk about it here. You can find out more HERE! A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY It has been a while since we've been able to budge on this one. In late 2018, not long after the release of the first issue, Beth had a majority of Issue #2 illustrated. The entire thing has been roughed out and most of the pages had finished line-work. Work on the book had to come to a stop so that Beth could focus fully on her responsibilities for LEFT HOOK. The project has sat there ever since. We are currently getting back on track with it. Issue #2 should actually be done very soon. I don't know when we plan to release it as we want to take advantage of the break in order to get a little bit ahead. But the long and short of it is, the comic is Beth's priority this year. We plan to get as much done as possible. NIGHTMARE DRIVE With LEFT HOOK in the bag, the other person who can focus their efforts on their own project is Scott Reacher. A few of the live action elements of this hybrid short film have been done, but a majority of the work is still to come. We do have a plan to execute this one and we will see how the results turn out. It'll be nice to finish this one. Most of it rests on Scott. There will be more updates on this one soon. PODCAST I honestly don't even know where I left off on this one. Our last update was in early October. Since then, we've ended Season 5 and launched Season 6. A lot of episodes have come out. The main thing that wrapped up was our mini-series following the Godzilla films. FINALLY! It was a chore to say the least to get through all of those. Especially when time was tight while working on LEFT HOOK. But we managed to finish it. Unfortunately, we had to cut some episodes last season to keep things moving. I tried to have episodes made without me, but nothing much came of that. This year, the schedule is a little more loose. I haven't planned very much, so we can add to it or stick to the plan. Expect an episode a month. Give or take. Plenty of fun should be had. That should be all for now. 2020 is shaping up to be pretty exciting. A lot of projects led by a lot of people should be making their way out and we couldn't be more excited. Last year was a little poopy considering we spent all that time working on these projects and didn't get to release any of them. The future is looking pretty good. We'll see you in it! -Tyler
We unfortunately won't have a new issue of A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY to release there, but there will be copies of the first issue available. Issue #2 was nearly ready, but we had to postpone the coloring process to focus on LEFT HOOK. Next year, we plan to get lots of work done on the project and have a couple issues out. We're used to multi-tasking, but a few other things had to take priority. We're totally committed to finishing it though. Won't leave you hangin'!
Well folks, that's where I'll leave you. There are plenty of cool things brewing behind the scenes here and we can't wait to share them with you as always! With that, feel free to play spot the Tyler in the photo below! Catch ya next time! -Tyler Hey everyone!
We've had a bit of a slow start to a big year. We're making lots of progress on LEFT HOOK right now, chugging through our current responsibilities and planning the next phases. Today we have lots of good news, but a small bit of poopy news as well. Let's jump right in. UPCOMING SCREENINGS: Some great news we got recently is that HOW MUCH will be screening at Apex Film Fest in Tucson, AZ on February 23rd. David should be in attendance and it should be a great time. More info on Apex can be found here! We also received word that Fritz Robinson's film, THE BROKEN KEY, which we worked on, is screening at Doc Sunback's Kansas Day on January 29th! Info for that one can be found here! Also, the film will show at First City Film Fest in Leavenworth, KS. That one is in March. We may try to make it to that one, but I'm not quite sure yet. More info about First City Film Fest can be found here! SOME DELAYS: Man, so I probably should've thought twice before making an announcement last time. My bad. Essentially, we've been looking at where we are on LEFT HOOK and it is becoming obvious that we need to cut back on some of our side projects to keep a good pace. The podcast is sticking around because it take virtually no effort to produce most of the time. However, we'll be slowing down production on our comic, A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY and our new short film, NIGHTMARE DRIVE. With the comic, we are nearly done with Issue 2, so at least one release should still be expected this year. But the following issues may take a while to come out due to the hiatus. With NIGHTMARE DRIVE, we will be limiting the amount of work we can do on it until LEFT HOOK is completely finished. At that point, we will be working to wrap both of these projects up. Sorry about that! PODCAST: We have a new episode of the podcast on DRAGON BALL SUPER: BROLY featuring myself and Cantu. It turned out to be a pretty good episode. There were plenty of laughs shared. So I hope a few of them can transfer to you. We'll have another new episode coming out pretty soon, starting a little mini-series on the Godzilla films. Should be fun! But I have to say, that's about all I got for you! I'll be back fairly soon with a new update. So just sit tight. Until then, keep enjoying the new year! -Tyler
PODCASTS: Season 5 of the podcast is here and that is cause to get excited! In the past couple weeks, we have released two new episodes. "Creed II"; featuring Chris, Tyler and Beth. As well as, "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse"; featuring Tyler, Beth and Scott. Our next episode will be the newest Christmas special with a fun twist. We listed several Christmas films (good and bad) and randomly selected them out of a hat to do a "Christmas Roulette". Should be a good time....for you. Like I've said before about this and every season previous, we will be constantly trying new things with this year's line up. One long form mini-series within the show that I'm particularly excited for. So stay tuned.
There are several small concepts for side projects that we would like to explore. Such as more live streaming and more content for Instagram. We have already been taking advantage of streaming and IGTV for our "IC Tries" videos. In which we try interesting or potentially gross items. Usually snacks and drinks. We've also played a few card games on livestreams this and we may do it again in the future. We may also do some other things on streams. We aren't sure yet. Lots of possibilities.
We do plan on releasing a few more issues of the comic next year as well as at least one short film. You may have seen the title, NIGHTMARE DRIVE, floating around and that would be the film's title. We're not entirely ready to say too much about it, but we have recorded with several actors and plan to begin working on it as work on LEFT HOOK slows down (similar to how HOW MUCH was made). The project will be spearheaded by our newcomer, Scott Reacher. He and I co-wrote it from his own concept and David Young and I will serve as producers. We're very excited to make it happen. The idea is to take as little time away from our priority projects as possible, but we do want to create some free content for you next year and short films are the best source. There will be more updates as time goes by. Speaking of which, that's all I've got today. See ya next time! -Tyler It's been a little over a month so it's about time I write an update! Lots of things have happened, so hopefully I remember everything.
A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY: We released the first issue of our comic book series, A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY. It's been doing pretty well so far. We launched it at Air Capital Comic Con earlier this month and nearly sold out. It was a great time for sure! We are making plans for further hard copy releases, but currently the issue is available digitally through Amazon and VHX. You can find the links and a few preview pages HERE. The series is meant to be a quarterly release so there will be a few month in between each issue. The full script is written, so Beth works on pages during down time from LEFT HOOK. Can't wait for you guys to see the rest of this thing, we're all very proud of it. PODCAST NEWS: So this month has been our yearly hiatus, meaning no new episodes for now. However, we will be returning next month with Season 5. We have some cool things planned for this season and something I'm excited to say is that we have a new announcer for the intro and outro; fellow Wichita filmmaker, Lief Jonker. This dude is a local legend and we're so happy to have him on board. More than likely, we will be returning next week with Creed II. Hope you'll tune in! HOLIDAY BUNDLE: Lastly, until January 1st, we have a special deal happening on VHX. We have created a bundle with LIVING AFTER MIDNIGHT, BRIMSTONE TERRACE, ANOTHER DAY COLDER, HOW MUCH and FALLING OUT (plus all of their bonus features) for $5. That's 8 hours of content. Along with scripts and an art book. If you ask me, it's a pretty great deal and it's also a great way to support us. All funds from this and our comic go towards funding LEFT HOOK. So check out the deal HERE. That's all I've got for now. See ya next time! -Tyler Hey everyone!
It’s been a little while since we’ve posted on here. That’s because every time I’m about to write up a post, there’s something else that is about to come out. So at this point, we just needed to make a recap at the end of the month. HOW MUCH: First things first, we released our short film, HOW MUCH on October 2nd for the world to see. It almost feels like old news now, but it’s pretty cool if you guys haven’t seen it. Make sure you definitely check that out! PODCASTS: We have released four podcasts this month! The first was “Alfred Hitchcock” with Chris, Beth and I. We talked about Rear Window, Vertigo and Psycho. The next was “First Man” with Chris and I. Followed by, “Halloween (2018)” with Beth, myself and newcomer, Scott Reacher. Finally, we have just released our “Halloween Special 2” where Beth, David Wayne Young and I cover three classic Universal monster movies (Dracula, Bride of Frankenstein and The Wolf Man). It’s been a great month for this season to go out on. We will now be taking a month hiatus before we start season 5 of the podcast. THE BROKEN KEY: Back in the end of September, we assisted Fritz Robinson in the production of his new short film, THE BROKEN KEY. After which point, we took the role of the post-production studio on the film. We edited, mixed and did special effects work. It’s a nice little spooky short and we had a lot of fun working on it. Give that a watch, why don’t ya! ANYTHING ELSE: Coming pretty soon, we will have yet another LEFT HOOK Behind the Scenes video going public. That will be on the first Friday of November. Don’t forget, we will also be launching the first issue of our comic book A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY at Air Capital Comic Con on the 10th & 11th as well. Lots of things to look forward to. Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween! That’s all I’ve got for you. -Tyler
It's been a second since I've been able to sit down and type out a whole blog post. So here we go! Currently, we're in the process of moving into our new home/studio with a ton more space for working. We've already done quite a bit and I'm sure we'll be showing off some of it in the next IC RECAP. It feels great to be making progress. On a completely separate note, I feel that it is finally time to officially announce our next short film, HOW MUCH! First and foremost, to put any worried minds at ease, this does not really effect our work on LEFT HOOK. Our feature-length projects are always the main focus, but in our spare time we also want to create other content to not only fill the void during long production processes, but use these as opportunities to show our growth and introduce you to the new voices on our team (much like we started with Beth's ANOTHER DAY COLDER). This project is spearheaded by David Wayne Young. We've been slowly but surely working on it for about a year now from script to now being fully in production. While I am taking a few of the more complicated shots on, my focus will mostly remain on LEFT HOOK while others take on the bulk of animation. This is thanks in part to the interesting style the short is presented in blending animated characters with live-action backgrounds. We managed to find time early last month while David was here to film our background shots and snagged a couple behind the scenes photos while we were at it.
Also, to play a bit of catch up here, we have released three new podcast episodes since our last update. Those being: "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" (featuring David Cantu), "Christmas Special of the Thrill" and "Don Hertzfeldt" (both featuring Beth Christine). The next one will be later this month on the films of Mamoru Hosada. None of us have seen any of them yet, so we're excited to check them out! Something else that has happened recently is that our feature, LIVING AFTER MIDNIGHT, was put on both Amazon Prime and Vimeo On Demand. There will be links to all of the options on the film's page, HERE. The content you get on Vimeo is pretty much the same as VHX, minus a pdf booklet. The version on Amazon is free to watch for Prime members, but it is only the film by itself, no bonus material. Maybe give that a watch. It is a New Years movie after all.
Hello everyone.
How've ya been? Good? That's great. We have been making a lot of progress on our end. In fact, that's what I'm here to talk about. I'll try to break all of this down, because there will be quite a bit of information... WE ARE AN LLC: So for the last few years, we've been working towards having most of us in the same place and officially becoming an LLC. This year, we accomplished both of those things. Personally, I'm so happy to have reached this point. We have been working very hard to get here and we can finally start moving even further along. I have to give major thanks to David Young. Without him, we would still be sitting around wondering where to start. WEBSITE 4.0 UPDATE: Since you are here, you've probably noticed the update. This is definitely the biggest one so far. I've been holding back on going with the more modern website design because for a long time, they just looked ugly to me. But I'm actually really pleased with how this tuned out. I feel like everything is a bit more streamlined. You may have noticed that we have new photos as well. Special thanks to Scott Reacher for helping us take the group photos on Friday. We have also added a few new things in the "Our Work" section. Specifically, ANOTHER DAY COLDER and a section for Comics with a promo for A SCRIPT CALLED MISERY. Neither of these things are actually out yet, but will be coming fairly soon. I wanted to include them as part of the portfolio. I will talk more about the comic later. In the "About Us" section, we have updated the personal profiles of each of the members and added a new introduction video. We figured it was time to replace "WHAT IS ILLUMINATION CINEMA!?". It was a little out of date. I'm very happy with the new video and hope you enjoy it. Additionally, we will be launching a new page soon. The page will be called "Services". It will be full of different jobs you can hire us for both locally and online. I still need a bit of time to get the page ready, so it will probably be up some time next month. OUR PROJECTS: We've been posting quite a bit on social media about all the aforementioned topics as well as some work on our current projects. There is still quite a bit we aren't prepared to talk about. But we have been extremely busy balancing a lot of stuff. Pretty much everyone in the company has something that they are working on right now. In general, we've been recording several voice over performances, storyboarding for our current feature, punching up scripts and working on getting ANOTHER DAY COLDER set up with a release date. As promised, I want to briefly talk about the comic. It is based on a screenplay I wrote a couple years ago and it's being illustrated by Beth. I just finished looking over the sketches for the first issue and it is turning out really great. I'm not sure when it will be rolling out, but I'm very excited for it to happen. I'll tell you more when I'm able to. As for everything else, I can't say much. But I'm equally excited about those things too. PODCASTS: While David Young was in town, he, Chris and I recorded two podcasts. One being "Directed to Dumpster Vol. 2". It was released a few days ago and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. There will be another episode going up (hopefully) on September 1st. After that, I believe the episode releases will be a bit slower. Anyway, that's all I've got for you today. I hope you'll stay tuned for everything coming down the pipeline. The future is looking pretty bright right now. -Tyler |
January 2025